
Turn off the gas supply to the furnace and ensure the power is disconnected.

Safety First

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Check if the thermostat is set to the desired temperature. Replace the batteries if needed.

Inspect the Thermostat

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Ensure the pilot light is lit. If not, relight it following the manufacturer's instructions.

Check Pilot Light

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White Frame Corner

Look for any visible damage or corrosion on the gas valve. If found, replace the valve.

Inspect Gas Valve

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White Frame Corner

Use a multimeter to check the pressure switch for continuity. Replace if faulty.

Test Pressure Switch

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Clean the flame sensor with fine sandpaper to remove any buildup.

Inspect Flame Sensor

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White Frame Corner

Test the igniter for proper function. Replace if it's not glowing as it should.

Verify Igniter

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White Frame Corner

If the issue persists, seek assistance from a qualified HVAC technician for a thorough inspection.

Consult Professional Help

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White Frame Corner

For professional furnace repair, call Einstein Heating and Cooling today.

(541) 420 - 8888