Your HVAC system draws upon electric resistance heating to sustain indoor warmth during challenging circumstances.

What Is An HVAC Emergency Heat?

Setting your thermostat to a consistent temperature minimizes the need for frequent emergency heat activation.

Thermostat settings

Replace air filters as recommended to maintain optimal airflow and prevent undue strain on the HVAC system.

Filter replacements

Prioritize sealing windows, doors, and other vulnerable areas to prevent heat loss and easing the burden of an emergency mode.

Seal air leaks

Implementing zoning systems directs heat where needed. It minimizes reliance on emergency heat in unused spaces.

Zoning system

Homeowners need to be educated on the appropriate circumstances for using emergency heat and when to seek professional assistance.

Emergency Preparedness

Incorporate emergency heat components into the standard inspection checklist during a professional HVAC service.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

For professional HVAC services in Bend, contact Einstein Heating and Cooling today.

(541) 420-8888